You will answer to the Robots

The heartwarming children's story "The Whore and the Tortoise" would seem to confirm this.

Also, making the observation that Richard Burton "ruined his great gifts" is a particularly brave card for the man who directed Touch of Evil and subsequently went on to voice Unicron to play.

Whenever I let Mrs. Robots drive, we too usually end up about 75 years from home.

It's a curious film, from it's relentlessly lens-flarey cinematography to the throbbing (but pretty good) score. The book, it must be said, is miles better.

Rap Master Ronnie? Good hell, my parents still have that on PAL VHS at home! I can vividly remember Cryer's part:

You'll blind yourself with science!

I saw them exactly once at the very same concert described at the start of this article and can confirm that both the crowd and weather went bonkers towards the end. I can only imagine how multiple performances of "Creep" would have gone down…


For some reason, every new publicity still - including the one above - puts me in mind of an impromptu meeting between Vladimir Putin and the wrinkly old chap who crops up at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

To paraphrase the Rifftrax guys, "Kids love the Mads Mikkelsen!"

I see Disqus is currently Showing a Plenitude of Unconscionably Vulgar Discussions

We can only speculate as to the true meaning of "starstruck chubette"…

This almost seems worth reading in order to determine how many clichés can be crammed into single publication before it reaches critical mass.

After his particularly thorough assessment of Soul Man I think to press him further on other slightly ill-advised roles would have been churlish. It was an excellent interview and I found myself rather liking him.

No serious critical analysis of his career-defining turn in Far Out Man?

I think only Thief executes the perfect balance between pulsating TD electronica and beautifully shot (if somewhat sterile) on-screen shenanigans.

Or Jean Doumanian.

He shows up (to excellent effect) in Margin Call. The whole film is like a series of levels that unlock to reveal a new character actor.

What is your beef with the Mac?

Write that down in your copybook now.