You will answer to the Robots

Finally! The episode with Sisyphus and his rock was a memorably bleak example of 1980s children's entertainment: http://goo.gl/DcDmi

Agreed. Larry Hagman gives a stellar performance.

Agreed. Larry Hagman gives a stellar performance.

We could ask, were he not deeply so deeply embroiled in the process of making records every day.

We could ask, were he not deeply so deeply embroiled in the process of making records every day.

Pubic Enemies?

Pubic Enemies?

Forget Hatesong, I want more "Steve Albini: Thing Noticer".

Forget Hatesong, I want more "Steve Albini: Thing Noticer".

Back in 1988, a serious attempt was made by my high-school to stage a
musical version of "Bubble Bobble", to the extent that Taito were
contacted in order to secure the name and image rights. I wasn't involved in the
production but I remember others discussing how the water flumes would
work and who would play Baron

Back in 1988, a serious attempt was made by my high-school to stage a
musical version of "Bubble Bobble", to the extent that Taito were
contacted in order to secure the name and image rights. I wasn't involved in the
production but I remember others discussing how the water flumes would
work and who would play Baron

A filigree-adorned description of all successful post-Northern Exposure cast careers would take considerably less time and use considerably less ink.

A filigree-adorned description of all successful post-Northern Exposure cast careers would take considerably less time and use considerably less ink.

Citizen Phiiiiipps!!!

Citizen Phiiiiipps!!!

And Holly was thinking [in a rich Shakespearean tone] "A human centipede? How ghastly!"

And Holly was thinking [in a rich Shakespearean tone] "A human centipede? How ghastly!"

It's like we've unlocked a secret room.

It's like we've unlocked a secret room.

Exactly. Let's face it, being young is usually as miserable as it is wonderful. The people who create the best movies, television, and books for children truly understand this - think of Roald Dahl.