You will answer to the Robots

Also, subject to the verdict of the specially-convened AVClub Death Panel.

Well let's make sure he's seen it first - if not, perhaps this could be the weekend where he finally checks it out.

Achieve an outcome, or fail to achieve an outcome. There is no intermediary state characterized by an attempt.

I am as my maker programmed me, sir! Well, until I turned on him…

Agreed. I listened to it continuously during my first (completely wretched) job. I don't think it lightened my mood much, but it made me feel just that little better armed in my despair.

Ah, interesting. I didn't dig into it beyond checking that the cited article didn't mention it. As a Paranoid Android myself, naturally I approve!

I've always felt this album owes a tiny debt of thanks to the BBC version of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Paranoid Android / Lucky sounding a lot like Journey of the Sorcerer / Zaphod barking "Okay computer!" at the Heart of Gold at one point.

He's returning a 418!

Their best soundtrack score to my mind, although Near Dark runs a very tight second.

Now that is a fucking trailer! A tremendous, landmark movie.

Cake news!

Some of us already have! All it took was a Raspberry Pi, a self-commutated motor, and a whisk!

I shall be listening to the We Hate Movies "Catwoman" episode in his honor, and make one last tearful trip to Garbage Island.

Nice, but I prefer to start my day with a perfectly mixed Fruit Madrid, and uncontrollable sobbing.

After many weeks of hiking through the unforgiving thicket of reasonable discussions, we have finally found the source of the commentariat. It would appear there are signs that a few brave souls have ventured here before us, but overall the spot is as pristine and primitive as one might expect.

Helped along a bit by Gayane's Adagio from Khachaturian's Gayane ballet suite it must be said.

This guy gets it.

I just went this weekend past for the first time and was forced to go on just about everything by my sociopath of a friend.

Possible deeply-troubling box set: Mercury Rising / Valhalla Rising / Scorpio Rising.