You will answer to the Robots

Apologies! But if you haven't already seen it, take a look at Hedgehog in the Fog, a fabulously mysterious 10 minutes of Russian weirdness from the mid-seventies. It's all an allegory… or maybe it isn't!

I suppose it's a cunning strategy to teach kids about the futility of life and the inevitability of death. Because entering adolescence just isn't miserable enough.

As part of my school's program of prepubescent psychological warfare, we were subjected to both this and The Plague Dogs every Christmas. While the former is disturbing, the latter is next-level terrifying.

In a way, the movie you see on the second date might be even more critical than the first. Mrs. Robots and I white-knuckled it through The Rules of Attraction before reversing into another moviegoers car in the parking lot afterwards. By that point we were all so upset it didn't really matter.

With their tanks and their bombs / And their bombs and their guns…

It's no August: Sausage County.

We'll ALWAYS hate this movie!

ROBOT, metallic, oil-stained, unquenchable desire to kill all humans. Cleaning floor, biding his time.

I saw The Dandi Patch Underarm Sweat Solution perform at the Whisky A Go Go in '84. They shredded!

Hands-down the worst interview I ever had for any company was at Yahoo!, specifically with Yahoo! Video, which subsequently became Yahoo! Screen.

Six seasons and a move to file for bankruptcy!

Not from a movie, but the scene in The Ballad of Halo Jones where Halo and General Luiz Cannibal dine on pears in vinegar. I've never tasted what that might be like but, when I see those frames, somehow I know.

Fabulous show, but seriously - season 2 needs to end with a massive fucking explosion of some variety.

Brilliant though the comment by Cookie was, it's the one that starts "This was no street kid." I would buy that commenter at least two of those items for dinner if they were still here.

As soon as you posted that link I knew exactly where you were taking us. That thread contains my all-time favorite comment.


Reel Around The Fountainhead

Also: "Did we hit the little boy on Sixth Avenue?"

I saw Cavalcade of Flaccid Penises at The Budokan in '83. They shredded!

True for any thread. And while we're on the subject, if there was one word I could permanently banish from this site it would be adorable. Almost entirely because whenever they say something is, it invariably isn't.