Shock and Au Contraire

That's an insipid, sub-Aaron Sorkin post, you got there. All "journalism" takes a viewpoint—seriously all of it. Just by choosing what to cover, you're taking a position.

Counterpoint: no we don't. The professionalization of journalism hasn't done anything for the practice; it has done quite a bit for j-schools though, and also creating a media that's exclusively made of people of means from a handful of elite institutions. And if you're mad about the state of "journalism" that's the

Considering they mostly just aggregated stuff other people reported and added swears, or wrote snide posts about journalists they disliked, most of Gawker's claims of being "journalism" were bullshit.

I agree that what Gawker did was shitty, but the logic of "you need to be careful about who you pick a fight with" is a real bummer.

I didn't watch it, but apparently he stops in the middle and has a racist rant? And then finishes?

*scoots back from the table, runs upstairs and slams the bedroom door*

Sure you can—just make sure it's a billionaire secretly bankrolling the whole thing and make sure people say things like "this was never about whether Gawker itself was worth saving. It’s about whether we should allow any publication to be silenced by someone with an agenda and a whole lot of wealth."

To be honest, it took me out of it a little bit to consider that three of "the original cast" were celebrities in the prison.

And just who DID put the bomp in the bomp-she-bomp-she-bomp? And who put the others in there?

I feel like he's probably going to jail, so that'll be nice.

Nostalgia heals all wounds?
We now live in a world where adult contemporary stuff like Adele is celebrated, despite being so uncool?

He's too tall to fool anyone. 6'5"!

Is she shooting it with a neo-natal lens?

Is Harry Crews just a nasty-spirited writer? For some reason I read a bunch of his stuff last year and it was all sort of a bummer.

From the look of it…CBS's The View?

I DO like the cast. I went to high school with one of them! (Sadly it was not Anna Kendrick). Maybe I'll give it a chance some time. You may aim to misbehave, but you've been a delight.

I didn't watch the first movie, and I've judged this sequel to lack the charm of the original.

The most intriguing part of the ad—"I've done this before"—never got addressed! GAH!

The trailer IS bizarre. Naomi Watts is all of a sudden looking down the scope of a rifle?

I liked (what I heard about) the beginning montage of Adam Devine and Zach Efron Need Wedding Dates—that it has the Wedding Crashers-style partying montage, followed by a montage of consequences.