Shock and Au Contraire

Making the Celtics the favorites in the East? Seriously, that was a get.

His reputation as America's Wet Blanket is probably unfair.

Folsom Prison Blue Lives Matter


Looking at your list I think you're mistaking ability with ambition.

I always confuse him for David Letterman's old band leader.

The original Star Trek lasted only 79 episodes. Wild that it launched this whole thing.

Also pretty old, actually. A decade at least.

That's the only post-Maladroit song I can remember liking, but I like it a lot.

I was lucky that Weezer and The Simpsons were at their peak when I needed them most, but, in my opinion, they've both been terrible longer than they were good.

Guys, I know you're grasping at the national identity straws here, but learn to recognize mild ribbing by way of exaggeration.

Adam Sandler is a really good part of Spanglish, but I think the overall movie is ruined by One-Dimensional White Mom.

Illinois (or Chicago, where I lived, anyway) seemed pretty proud of being part of the Union, but maybe they were mostly proud of Lincoln.


The Arizona Los Angeles Arch is looking pretty nice.

"Speaking of charming, watching Fox last night, I heard a rather amusing story. This character named Martin was feeling rather…randy, and he was heard to remark…."

Yeah, maybe that's the key—the snobbish slob, like in Big Daddy.

🎶 When I go to Baltimore
Won't leave those statues up no more
You come along and follow me
We'll go stomping Neo-Nazis🎶

If it isn't made of actual iron then I want it taken out too.

That's because Canadians didn't exist then. But walk into any Tim Hortons, and a Canadian will tell you how proud he is of having burned down the White House in between heaping bites of poutine.