Shock and Au Contraire

What's going to happen then? We're going to a Kinja format?

After what the Salem Oregon Tourism Board pulled, I'm not surprised…

Great meaning large or immense! He's using it in the pejorative sense!

If you actually believe there is "zero evidence" shouldn't the jury be reaching a unanimous "not-guilty" verdict?

I heard they got in trouble for trying to pawn some stolen birds of prey. The Post said "The Hawkins-Hawkses hocking hot hawks."

The old "Samson Tell".

The sharks stand for daddy issues.

I feel like, even in Hollywood, they wouldn't make both of the characters on their periods just so the sharks would stay on the hunt for them, right?

Movies are better at building tension than resolving it in satisfying ways—it's true from Hitchcock to The Avengers.

Some, you assume, are good, uh, sharks.

Oh no! Then every we do here would suddenly seem so insignificant!

Shutter Island 2: An Even More Elaborate Role Play

We only ever stayed at the Slays Inn, but once got to go to Swing Low Sweet Marriot when the moving company lost our furniture.

I kind of feel that way about most of Ed Wood's work. Like "ha ha it's shitty," but also in ways that aren't really fun: poorly lit, bad sound and excruciatingly slow.

So, less Fiasco and more of a Failure, to borrow the terminology that I picked up I-don't-know-where?

"Felinity thy name is woman!"

Agreed. C&M and MMM are two of my favorites.

I thought that one was actually pretty gracefully done.

And mine. We had a copy of "Never Have Your Dog Stuffed" in the house and every time someone saw it, they attempted an Alan Alda impression, and none of us ever got it. They all skewed "Woody Allen"

Perry's Labyrinth