Shock and Au Contraire

Even lately? They seemed gloomy and broken to me back in the day, but now it seems like they're pretty happy with how it worked out (and who could blame them?)

Uh….this movie contains a lot of justification for hating Radiohead (on a personal, if not artistic level). Nowadays I think of them as smart, pretty healthy guys all things considered, but that's after two decades of them crawling away from the image they project here, of being miserable pretentious pricks who hate

Now to pour this Lemonade into a beer and have a shandy….

You can watch just the video for Hold Up, which is—and I swear I'm a Beyoncé realist—both a great song and a great video.

I refuse to believe your annoyance with Jesse Eisenberg is inexplicable.

Don't! Not even a little bit!

At least there's no more waiting for Gadot to say it.

[Cloud of vape smoke rises from a group of virgins]

Yeah maybe…Sgt. York didn't make things easy on himself did he? A Quaker who was both a war hero AND married to a witch?

Wait, how do they reproduce? Are there colonies of Amazonian men somewhere?

I'd like to go ahead and be the REAL feminist here and start the argument about whether she's the correct body type for this role because a REAL WOMAN…(slips on Micromachines)

A Mennonite superhero would be a tough sell, what with all the pacifism.

I'm suing these Tablelists for all their remorseless Tableism.

I hear Prometheus would rather setting in ar-bird-tration!

Oh, well, yeah, it's great. Do people hate Chobani? Dumbies.

When that episode was made the Padres' best days (being swept in the World Series) were still ahead of them…

We are talking softball, from Maine to San Diego.

"Last year, Creed asked me how to set up a blog. Wanting to protect the world from being exposed to Creed's brain, I opened up a Word document on his computer and put an address at the top. I've read some of it. Even for the Internet, it's… pretty shocking."