Shock and Au Contraire

The real winner of S4 was S3. Don't see too many Rita complaints around anymore.

Also because it was a huge mess.

Nope. Had to take all the pumps out of here…

Wait a second, dogs can't talk!

Beach House is one of those "they only have one song but what a song" bands.

Right? I assume these "rarities" will be songs rejected for being distinguishable.

It's like Kronenbourg 1664—a cheap, pretty lousy beer that some places charge a lot for just because its French. Likewise this is a comic book/Hong Kong action movie with a veneer of French/Korea respectability.

Looking at the world
Through the sunset in your eyes
Trying to make the train
Through clear post-apocalypic skies
Ducks and pigs and chickens are gone
We eat bug-jelly all day long
Tilda Swinton five foot tall in blue.

It's just Love Boat but with less love, and also a train instead. Uh, I mean, it's like Gilligan's Island, but the island is instead a train, and the millionaire gets to eat sushi while Gilligan eats babies.

The baby was baby Hitler Ed Harris, you see.

Yeah, I'm all aboard.

"Vacation houses" opens the door for a massive surf rebellion as well!

I don't know, but their fanzine was NOT what I expected at all. Very little about Riverdale in this so-called "Jugs" publication.

I thought we were already celebrating the iguana getting BAFTA—BAFTA its lair, am I right?

Non-fiction: Just started the left-wing-critique of bureaucracy "The Utopia of Rules" by David Graeber, who is always good company. Got "Eichmann in Jerusalem" waiting in the wings.

He's on a world tour right now and he's a market-proven entity. When he releases either a country album, or one of standards, then you know the nightmare* is coming to an end.

You know that Justin Bieber isn't president and this wasn't recorded in the Oval Office, right? Swoopy hair makes it confusing, but legally, Bieber can never be president.

I respect KRS One's effort and longevity, but I don't ever want to listen to him.

"Whoop whoops!
That's the sound me making a mistake"

I mean, is "Good morning" a simple hello, or is it the opening to conversation I don't have time for right now?!