Shock and Au Contraire

I was wondering why she was billed on the poster but mentioned only in passing by Nabin. Her role was just to be a name on the poster.

So this website is just good job internet and newswire reposts? So, completely unnecessary?

"Go get your "Wig in a Box"…audition tape!"

iEnne Pepper

And flying cars? Cures for cancer? A just and equitable society?

I think we can agree that Silicon Valley isn't going to make the world a better place.

Shmit! The battery's dead!


It's a rich person's take on France, so the foreigners aren't wacky, they're silly but sensual. And they smoke.

Remember when he and his girlfriend flirtily compared the weight of all the parts of a corpse with that of a living body? What was sociopathic about that?

A really GIANT mortarboard?

I think he and Cory Booker are both charter school guys, so…take that knowledge and do with it what you will.

I think he's trying to warn us by wearing that vest that he's a very square guy.

Maybe we can cause a backlash by pointing out that all the bottles are still white? Anyone up for that? No?

Put down your Italian beefs and come see Alison Brie in Sunken Costs, the movie the studio shot in 2009, deemed unwatchable, and then realized had a cameo from someone who had become bankable!

*Looks into my bucket of dead birds*
Damn, I thought for sure I had cracked the recipe.

I maintain that the "actually" revolt has been coopted by dumbasses who hate having their idiocy pointed out.

What a cultured vulture!

They were right. Those Lost Levels are hard as fuck.

It's the video game hall of fame, so that's really not an issue.