Shock and Au Contraire

When he's cast in the Rocky reboot—not the next one but the one after that—as Mickey, it'll all be worth it.

He was also married to Paulette Goddard who, in addition to being a great actor, had a really bizarre trio of husbands: Meredith, Charlie Chaplin, and Erich Maria Remarque (All Quiet on the Western Front).

Josh Gad: Not the gadfly we all pretended he was.

Seems like she attempted to see to that personally even!

Was Conan dragged for being a strike breaker? I remember he and Stewart and Colbert all being members of the WGA and coming back after only a week off.

Well, to be fair, politicians don't give a shit. Even our Democratic party candidate for president ridiculed the idea of even attempting to pass single-payer health care.

It's just there to make the calorie count on their burgers look modest by comparison.

On a fish sandwich, it's actually a sauce cloaca.

Seems like dancing is really the art form that's taking it on the chin in quips like that. As though dancing could ever be "about" anything…

You're definitely looking a little green around the gills.

Yeah, last summer a friend of mine made a kind of salt-brown sugar rub that drew a lot of the moisture out of the salmon, making for a really tasty sandwich.

Depending on which direction they're looking, the Indian perspective can be obstructed by the Himalayas.

"Manchester by the sea
So much to answer for by the sea…"

Yeah, I'm sort of baffled that her character has a name and that we all know it. The only thing I know about her is that her armor is silver.

Pretty cold of him to ice his own son. "All too easy."

I maintain that was pretty fucking badass—Vader catches the bolt and takes Han's blaster? Han as a shoot-first (yeah!) hero? One of Boba Fett's scenes?

The thing is…no one has any idea how good the original trilogy was, or anyway, I certainly don't.

It's for wealthy white ladies who are a little too self-conscious to be anti-vaccers, but insist on having the gluten-free option. The doula class.

Hey man….slow down.

Even the ones who do don't know much. That's part of the mystery.