Shock and Au Contraire

I stopped liking them after picking up "Passover" (on CD!) and every song was just four chords over and over and over and over with indistinguishable, droning vocals over the top.

That first plot sounds like what I'd expect, but Sinbad addressed the Paper Bag Test? That's like Full House having a special episode where Uncle Jesse explains the Armenian genocide.

Mark Ruffalo was in the original cast way back when! He and Kenneth Lonergan are friends!

I don't know much about Infowars, but it seems like it's just Alex Jones giving monologues?

Much better.

Mysterious disappearance? His English improved from watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians!

Buddy, I just got soft-fired from that job, and I'm pretty excited to take the next step (assuming anywhere I applied gets back to me). Obviously these words of encouragement would mean more if I actually had gotten a better job already and liked it, but leaving that meeting and knowing I was moving on made me feel

I did return from a vacation to find that I was fired, but like amicably. They're giving me time to figure out how long I need, so it looks like it was my decision, and want to give a letter of recommendation. I didn't like this job; it wasn't paying me enough, I didn't like my coworkers enough, it wasn't teaching me

The Contrairess and I got engaged a two weeks ago! We were on a little European vacation and I did the knee by the canals in Venice and everything.

If Raffi's not careful, Newman's gonna be cleaning his teeth with the Bones of an Idol.

"Les Nouveaux Pornographeurs"

There's a lot in the Marvel universe that everyone pretends isn't cheesy or lame. Remember when Iron Man DJed?

Not retrograde so much as reactionary.

"Ugh. I had the pasta, the antipasta, and now the syntheshits!"

Nev-curd forget.

Soak a sponge in vinegar and take a bite. Wonder no more.

There's the Kathleen Hanna one where she seems to be listening to the song for the first time as the interview goes on, and has to keep walking back everything she says.

Because we have thousands of pop culture outlets that all need content.

Yeah, it's one of the last interesting things they still do around here.

Leia's racist as hell against Wookies—she denies Chewie a medal, calls him a "walking carpet," AND says she'd "rather kiss a Wookie" as if that's the worst thing in the world!