Shock and Au Contraire

Chewie always could've been raised by a single mother. Itchy could've been his father-in-law. We don't know. That interminable scene was all in Wookie.

I mean, their bonding on the Death Star in the first movie reads well enough that you believe when Han comes back.

Is 'e Yavin a laugh?

10,000 BC.

Is that a joke?

Did you get out of there before the penis goes through that guy's ear, or that other guy pins his girlfriend to the ceiling with semen?

It's that "actually are" wicket that gets the stickiest—although, in the case of some fetishes, some wickets get even stickier, I suppose.

Who were you watching for?


So, Bronies AREN'T sexual, but Furries are and big time? Is that right?

That movie is pretty good. I like the low-key Scorseses—After Hours, King of Comedy, Bringing Out the Dead.

Oh yeah! Matrix II!

"Make fun us in ways that are actually compliments, please!"

It's just a reference to the one Asian actor in the original trilogy: the A-wing pilot who crashed into that star destroyer like a kamikaz—oh, shit. Is that right?

Mister we could use a character like ____ Lobot* again…

Isn't most contemporary pop music about partying, told from a toxic perspective that may or may not be deliberate, measure its success by market penetration and fucking terrible?

I won't normalize the Chainsmokers!

Last Jedi, had Lando we thought
But the very next news, said it had Lando not
This year, to save us from tears
We'll hope that Poe and Finn wrestle,

"Is it too late to gender swap it?"

I'm on a Dell right now. Hello from the other side!