Shock and Au Contraire

You don't know much about female anatomy do you, Henry Darger?

I saw it in theaters TWICE.

I saw that paired with that King Arthur movie at a drive-in. I wish I could even imply that we weren't paying attention because we were getting totally handsy, but no. The movies were just lousy.

He thought the comet was a good guy?

I too have lately warmed to The Dead. They're not "exciting" but they are interesting to me, if for nothing else than their interest in distilled Old Weird America.

He's very good at guitar, but then so is Ted Nugent, so let's not pretend like that excuses much.

The Day After Tomorrow

Salma Hayek butt tho.

People in this very thread even! I'm surprised.

The opening scene is fun and the Dr. Manhattan sequences are cool, except when he's interacting with Anna Paquin's character.

I think I may have only seen it once because I only vaguely remember any of this—Obi Wan goes to that rain planet, finds all the clones? We discover that "the clone wars" weren't against clones or over the issue of cloning, but…were fought BY clones? But all stormtroopers are clones now anyway? And they're all named

It might be a little thing, but those moments with the force field are the first I thought of too.

Turns out we were probably unlikable, virgin douches too.

That's part of the text of the episode though—the townspeople that the soldiers are "protecting" can see that the other people are just people.

*Netflix loading error*

Well then that one's on me!

I'm waiting until after the apocalypse to get into that one. There will be time, then.

I want to know if he had a plan to pay for said McDonald's.

This one time I found a wallet on the ground and it turned out to be a viral Burger King ad—had a dollar and some BK gift cards in it, as well as a note to whoever found the wallet and The (very creepy) King's license.

I know all those words but that comment makes no sense.