Real Sex With Bryant Gumbel

Ivan was a Dragoborn.

You're the man now, bear!

One nation's trash is another nation's treasure.

It's easy if you try.

And a very particular set of skills.

People not annoyed by Jason Mewes: drug dealers.

More Deadpool

Maybe it's not in the book because somebody Torah page out of it.

Alan Rickman annoyed by Kevin Smith.

"Man, that's mystical, Jay."

Bill Clay feet.

Wouldn't it be funny if 5 golems snaped you right now?

The twist was that people found Helen Hunt sexually attractive.

His dreams were his ticket out.

Hey, Let's Twist 2

Well, somebody's gonna have to learn the spell to clean the diarrhea off the walls in the bathroom.

Also, why do they need to generate buzz now? Isn't Comic-Con in a few months? And you have the Super Bowl and football and the Oscars, all before the release date.

That pirater's name?

Yeah, I thought they wore their eyepatches in order to focus in the dark night.

It would be way too expensive, but what if this was just all footage they weren't gonna use?