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I think that has a slight chance of happening after Avengers 3 Parts 1 and 2 (rumored to be the Planet Hulk shit), but they might be gun-shy about standalone Hulk movies.

John Wick's Puppy's CGI Poop = Zack Snyder

"Mama, I'm on the roof, I'm coming down!"

Except for the recommendations of theatres with wheelchair ramps.

I'd love it if it was just Batman and Superman (both with guns) firing on Joker in unison, like the end of a Lethal Weapon movie or some shit.

(Aquaman bursts through the front door)

There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building.

(Mr. Freeze bursts through the door)

Jason Friedberg: Hey, Aaron.

I'm not going there, but it's probably a hundred times worse at AintItCool

my caps lock is broken

The trailer needed a little more reverb.

This ain't your daddy's Batman!

Glower, little glowerworm.

I'll be in my bunk.

Citizen Kane, The Godfather. You want a great film? For me, you can't go wrong with Man of Steel.

I hope you don't watch football.

Hey, Zack Snyder? Turn off the dark.

Hey, Superman. What's your fuckstyle?

I'm assuming the Star Wars panel yesterday showed the crowd the trailer and the crowd most likely went insane with the rest of the internet.