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Final Scene:

Thanks for letting us guess, you nob.

Romeo Void wasn't built in a day.

It was a scarf!

"Hey, Spotify! You'll be hearing from our lawyer! And one more thing…. do you validate?"

I prefer to think of it as milked-up water.

Final Scene:

Do I know where hell is?
Hell is in hello
Heaven is goodbye forever
It's time for me to go

It was valise of my worries.

It's a modest proposal.

When I was working at Domino's, I came up with the Oreo Pizza and I never saw a dime. I did, however, get all the napkins I could fit into my attache case.

He's gambling on Mad Men using a Portishead song in the finale and a career resurgence.

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free on sites like Youportishead and Portisheadotube?

Also, a skip probably counts as a stream.

Nobody loves Portishead. It's true.

What a trip.

My sister makes 4,300 cans of beans a month on the internet.

Or a multi-millionaire.

And the thermite explosives, who were in Tower 7.

What this comment presupposes is…. why am I hungry for fried chicken all of a sudden?