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Surprised they didn't use his Raiders stuntman.

It's fortunate that he didn't die and they'd have to scramble and use all his brothers as body doubles.

He bent me over a pinball machine and gently stole 10 dollars out of my back pocket.

It was all the oxycontins he had in his system after breaking his leg.

Reminded of that cool art where it's like Star Destroyers in the background and like the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.

Yippee ki-yay, Millennium Falcon.

What if Luke is just talking to his penis before a porno shoot?

It was great because I wasn't expecting it to show up today.

I'm not sure how the action figure would work, though.

I listened to it way too loud on my headphones, but I didn't care.

No need to get all Marcia Lucas on his ass.

J.J. Abrams is like "Oh hey, Zack Snyder…. did you say something about a trailer?"

Please, no disintegrations of the commetariat.

Yeah I thought his son was speaking, and I was waiting for him to say "And my grandfather had it."

Well, it's just filtered through a different lens. Looks like actual pathos and emotion.

I'm totally cool if they just use the same music.

My body is ready.

Life, uh, finds a way.

Booger: Big deal! Did you get in the honourable woman's pants?

I think you nailed it.