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He's a Quato vessel.

Ron Howard:Baseball Cap::Kevin Smith:Hockey Jersey

I was searching for Tom Green quotes to twist into some sort of cinematic pun, but all I found was this:

I'm not a fan of this weird trend of showing trailers roughly a year before the movies premiere.

I think they're exclusively available at 7-11.

Barnes & Noble did that novelty song "Fish Heads (of State)"

*pulls KidRobot out of butt*
*gives it a quick rinse*
*logs onto eBay*

M*A*S*H Up

I always assumed he was a white.

Until the Asian kid grows up, finds a girl, marries that girl, impregnates that girl, and then she miscarries.

She's a smallpox wonder, pretty and bright and contagious.
She's a smallpox wonder, a plague unlike other plagues.
She's a miracle, and I grant you
She'll enchant you unless you lose your sight.
She's a smallpox wonder, and she'll make your heart fail in the night.

"Quick! Eat these midochlorians, Mary! They're supposed to work as well as pennyroyal. And don't tell nobody we did it."

The 6 seasons are mainly to preserve meats as they make the long journey across the Atlantic.

Goodman Benny leads big band while the stripper bounces them titties.

"I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Wookiee win"

Call this show TURⱭ.

"We didn't come on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock came on us!"

Nicholas Name?

When will Nat Geo ever drop the immaturity and refer to itself as Nathaniel George?

"He built this arm chainsaw in a cave… with a box of scraps?"