Real Sex With Bryant Gumbel

Nobody asked you about your weird fetishes.

"Hail to the king of Cuba, baby."

Nothing wrong with imagining dragons.

Don't try suicide!

Also, the quality of disco cocaine.

It had great gas mileage (as long as you were willing to wait for it to decay).

Remember when Vic Morrow told Rocky that "women weaken the legs"?

"Come…. step inside the Hall of Not-As-Well-Known episodes. Marvel at the lack of twists! Wonder if this is going anywhere! Speculate if this is a script that was rejected by Alfred Hitchcock Presents!"

Did you ride a dinosaur to school, old man?

"My name is Talking Toilet. And I'm gonna let you urinate all over my porcelain body."

Keep your head on your shoulders.

"Where are the bumper stickers?"

Exit Through The Wood Shop

It's not shaped like a gigantic trash bin?

In the output tray of the copy machine.

They might as well just have the people from the Jericho universe pop in and they have an all-out war or orgy or whatever. The animated version of Skeet Ulrich needs the work.

I feel like the people who are clamoring for more Revolution are the people who watch those Saturday afternoon syndicated sci-fi spaceship shows with really shitty looking humanoid aliens (that part of Too Many Cooks kinda nailed the intro for those fucking shows). There's not even an obvious T&A factor of something

Cappadonna Martin graduates!

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

Thomas Jane showed up?