The ATV Club
The ATV Club
Read that as "meat-philosophy", you had me but then you lossed me.
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I can smell where this is going.
Joystick? More like Joyless Schtick.
Radiation is radicalication.
Mohd a beed? More like Paul A-try-harder.
Camping is a state of mind.
Thank God you inserted the comma.
Cowboys consider the Devil evil, so….
It's almost extinct, on account of the great plains. The plains being the omelettes. Terrible omelettes at the dining commons at U of B.
I'm quite evil at tic-tac-toe.
Victoria/Jesus starring Victoria Jackson and Mary Poppins
I vacationed on Dock Ellis Island once. They make you drop acid and change your name.
I'm looking forward to the Gotham Christmas episode, "A Christmas Carol Kane"
Lay off the wheat bread, Carol1
All my levels are made by Stanley tools.
Margot Kidder is busy being dead.
Damn you, Carol Kane!
Yes, a gumball machine.