
Blond/Blonde gets better every time I hear it. There's a Bacharach cover, for goodness sake, its all too much. "Nights" is revelatory.

They're both right! Its on message.

Haha that's The Golden Compass.

I love this guy. I went to Japan for two weeks around Halloween in 2015, and this guy was everywhere. He's really cute and depressed, just like me! I even got a little Gudetama charm out of the vending machines they have everywhere over there. Actually I bought like 5. They have him as a sushi roll, in a frying pan,

I know, right? I mean they nominated Regina King for American Crime, but I thought her (more limited) role in the Leftovers was worth all the awards. Carrie Coon should've been nominated as well obviously. The show is snubbed in the Drama series category too…The Leftovers was the best drama on TV during its run this

I love this show, but as someone who's whole job is basically user feedback for a large IT system, I agree that they could've hired a consultant to simplify the UI instead of mounting a massive educational campaign (which they should have done anyway)…Where was the User Acceptance Testing? I find it hard to believe

Wow. That's really all I have to say after finishing this season. Wow. Best use of Chekhov's gun, I've seen in a while. The plotting of this season was spectacular. I don't know if I'm as optimistic as all the critics that say this show can last forever, but right now, they're doing it right.

I've loved this series ever since my mom told me to stop reading it because it was anti-God. This might be really good as long as Nicole Kidman stays away.

That sucks. You could tell they were setting up for a second season. The "mystery woman in the box", the plot to kill off unnecessary inhabitants, Ariel in the bunker, etc. That would be cool to see. I liked this show.

Oh yeah. I was discussing with a friend how I don't care if the films are tonally different…I think its a cop out to say if everyone's not super dark they cant occupy the same universe. Snyder is doing the Justice League movies, but I'm very excited to see what other filmmakers bring to the franchise.

Yeah I realize that now. Disappointing, but expected.

Yikes, I might have conjured a scene out of thin air where Batman returns to the Batcave and sees that the Joker broke in…You're right that is a Robin suit upon looking closely…something about the imagery got me thinking this was a tie in to a batcave break in. However, I think the movie is still thematically

False. The movie clearly depicts Batman's defaced suit (defaced by the Joker in The Dark Knight) "Haha the Jokes on you Bats". Also, Wayne Manor is destroyed, and Bruce Wayne is living in that glass house by the water. Christopher Nolan produced the movie, and its pretty clear that it precedes this one.

I guess so, I forgot about Suicide Squad, although has it been confirmed that SS is in the same universe? I saw the preview, and it always sort of struck me as wishful thinking to think they would be. Although it wouldn't have been the first time the Joker "died" and came back even crazier or zanier. Hmm, I'll have

ok so your questions make more sense now that I know you havent seen the movie. Yes, there are references to Nolan's films both visual and spoken. There is no new Joker. After Supes death, the DC heroes pull together to do his job in the comics, in various titles, leading up to his return. Batman is always cranky. I

I said Marvel has been successful, however they have been forced to make changes just to satisfy contractual concerns i.e., Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, lack of mutants, Spidey's late inclusion, awful FF4 movies, etc. I think things like that affect the quality of the films, especially since they get a lot right.

Totally with you. Making Superman dark was Snyder's choice in MOS and now here, although I think that was in direct response to the success of Nolans Batman's franchise, and the lack of success with the Superman Returns movie (which admittedly, I rather enjoyed). And this Superman is dark and without personality

Well, Nolan executive produced it so I would guess he's fine with it, especially since its because of him the DC movie universe has gotten so (evidently) interminably dark (which I love). I'll go see Marvel movies for superheroes making light, but I love and have always loved DC and Warner Bros. for telling dark,

I agree and thats part of the reason I loved the film. The scary dreams of a dystopian future, the brief appearance of the Flash, just excited me more about where they are going to go with these adaptations.

I can't help but wonder if this has anything to do with Angelea's recent lawsuit and diss of Tyra, about how she's fake, and the contestants are borderline abused during filming. I honestly love this show because I love looking at stupid beautiful people, and the formulaic nature of the show calms me, but maybe Tyra