
Azmarie is a recurring character on Empire.

Amber Riley is going to slay "He's the Wiz."

I realize you're probably joking, but I feel compelled to remind you that The Wiz is set in New York City….and NYC as OZ.

Wow, that would be amazing…much better than Reflektor or whatever they and LCD Soundsystem guy came up with.

USCIS didn't exist in 1975…it is a product of the PATRIOT act after 9/11. The homophobic letter probably came from the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) which is now defunct, for several reasons.

"Kabletown. With a "K"!"

I want to see how they interpret the "lattice" that Egger's kept yammering about throughout Staggering Genius.

yes. I first read it when I was like 13, and found it heartbreaking. When I reread it 10 years later, I found it hilarious, and cripplingly heartbreaking.

lol good points but to answer your question re: the teeth… I THINK he was referring to the fact that the raptors didn't have enough teeth to bring the Indominus down, and that's what made BDH go get the T-Rex out of the haddock, and commence with the aforementioned ridiculous but entertaining climax. Raptors, T-Rex,

Before I watched this movie, as a child, I did not eat all my dinner on my plate. Then I watched this beautiful cartoon depict Setsuko's death by malnutrition, I never left my dinner plate full again. I also knew A LOT about WWII due to this movie and Empire of the Sun, and they both have awesome scores. Both scores

Totally…I will definitely wait until its inevitably released on HBO to confirm, but the movie was rife with present day pop culture references and cameos.

I dont think Dowd watched the movie…doesn't the movie take place in the present day i.e., years after the finale, and not "months after the events of the finale" as Dowd says.

teehee, I'll be visiting Tokyo and Osaka in October-November, so now I can say Godzilla convinced me to go, even though it was just my friends.

That coat was so fresh, I wanted to die. Harry dresses to impress at all times, the douchebag.

Even Gene got his moment of defiance. Kid knew what was up: "No."

This was a lot. I don't think I can continue on to the finale if its going to get this emotional. *picks up box lunch and walks out of room

Betty was definitely in the promos for the back half of the season. She looked fierce, as always.

In that episode, Sally makes a joke about Betty dying, which , makes this development even more thematically appropriate. Not out of the blue at all. Matt Weiner says the season will feel more cohesive without the huge breaks between the 1/2 seasons.

I dont think Betty's death is out of the blue for the plot or this show. In fact, in Tea Leaves, Don says "Betty might have cancer", after the audience learns that her cyst is benign. That could be an indication that she was still in danger. I dont remember what kind of cancer she thought she had (I think it was

That letter was the saddest thing of the episode, and January Jones' delivery was heartbreaking. "PLEASE show them the picture", she pleads. I fell APART.