Don't forgot it also contains the inspiration for the Hamster Dance
Don't forgot it also contains the inspiration for the Hamster Dance
Conquest of the Longbow. A game I didn't know anyone else had heard of.
Am I the only one that thought DOFP was completely over rated? It was hyped as Fox's 2nd most expensive movie ever, where did that money go? We had one good action scene at the beginning, The future was essential 2 small sets, then we end up in the past where everyone has some excuse why their powers can't be shown.…
So we can look forward to 1 great action scene followed by a team up of Magneto and Xavier. We can look forward to a lot of talking followed by Magneto betraying everyone. Wolverine will end up shirtless and the star of the movie. Oh yeah Apocalypse will some how play into it.
I think likely the opposite would happen. If I own channel I would think I would want to fill a niche market to get subscribers rather then try and be with all of the same shows that every other channel has. I would need better brand definition.
I wonder if we are look at this wrong. a la carte may kill some channels but couldn't it also mean the level of quality shows on each channel could increase. As it stands now with so many channels the quality of programming has been diluted to the point that channels have to pad out their line ups with cheap reality…
I choose to see Spaced Invaders over Ernest goes to Jail. Until a few days ago I had completely forgot about that movie
1990's Turtles came out at time when we weren't used to cartoon and comic characters being portrayed accurately on the big screen. I grew up with Masters of the Universe ,no Prince Adam and 3/4 of the movie set in LA and the Punisher with no Skull. Batman 89 and Superman the movie were all we had. When 1990's live…
Over at Rotten Tomatoes the few fresh reviews seem to even struggle at say something positive about the movie. I don't think this movie is going to be downright awful it seems like it's going to be the worst kind of movie , mediocre and forgettable. Which give Platinum Dunes list of movies and Liebsman's filmography,…
I must be the only one that loved this show. It's a much more enjoyable show if you take it as a Star Trek show in it's own universe instead of worrying about it as a precursor to Kirk & Co. As a Star Trek series it felt more relatable in terms of the technology , the movie nights, the industrial design of the ship.
I wish Marvel would relieve Loeb of his TV duties. He doesn't seem to have the same creative sense that Kevin Fiege brings to the feature side of Marvel. I actually think his ideas do more harm then good.
Me too, it always frustrated me all season, how often we would get overlong effects shots for stuff like pods being loaded into the plane, the Bus landing or turning around etc, and cheap warehouse sets in the same episode. It's fine if you have a huge budget but on tv you have to maximize the resources you have and…
A legitmate question to those who like the Finale, was it good because it was Agents of Shield or just plan good TV. I became increasingly frustrate with the level of cheapness this show has in it's sets and action pieces and I expected more out of the season finale. It did have it's fun parts with Fury and Coulson…
Reading the interviews, I'm never sure if the showrunners are being secretive with their answers or if they just have no idea where they are going with this show. I think their planning skills need some work for Season 2. There is a lot of stuff in Season 1 that had very little pay off or never really developed into…
Thinking back, I think my main issue with the Season Finale is that tone is all over the map from the previous few episodes. With Turn Turn Turn it seemed like the show had settled into a fairly serious show with elements of humour, such as Agent Koeing. However with the last episode we got an over the top cartoony…
I thought Garrett's death was funny but it made no sense in it's placement in the show and seemed like it was included to distract from the overall blandness of the rest of the episode. Thinking back you remember the death but the rest of the episode was a mess.
I think unless the previews for Season 2 show a solid improvement on set design and overall look as well as teasing of some intriguing mysteries, I don't think I'll will be watching. Thinking about it, the season finale killed most of my enthusiasm the the show had built since the Winter Soldier. The finale seemed so…
Even if he is coming back, it might have provided a little bit of closure or intrigue if we seen him in a coma or something.
I like Paxton but they pretty much turned Garrett into the Cartoon version of Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
As an episode of the show I would give this episode a B+, but as a season finale I have to give it a C+. The production values and editing, especially the hummer attack on Cybertek , looked about as a good as an 80's sci fi show. I thought Fury and Coulson's chemistry was great, as well I really enjoyed the return of…