Hip Hopster

Here, here, Rev! Who ever heard of a tax free taco?

Is there nudity involved?
Can there be?

Can't you feel it's pain???

You needed some time alone?

Have you forgotten that TONIGHT IS A SCHOOL NIGHT!?!?

Number the Stars!!!

Check it:

re: Toaster/Egg Maker Combo

While this may not be the best test, I've searched the Best Picture Oscar Nominees for 2008. And the reviewers are:

Another point is that, generally, isn't Phipps reviewing films likely to be critically acclaimed?

So…less gay then???

So…uhhh….less gay or more gay?

And the hand model had the balls to charge for autographs?!? That bitch should be glad anyone even knows who the fuck she is. Let alone want an autograph. Let alone want to pay for an autograph! God damn it!!!

I picked this one up Friday after I found out Mike Vick got signed. Obviously, no one condones what he did, but it should be a blast to play as him in a game that isn't 5 years old. I'm really enjoying it, especially the fluidity of the movements. It does look much more natural than any football game I've played.

The big shocker of the show will be that he dances with a dude.

Chuck Liddell is (was?) a UFC fighter with a mohawk.

Shame on you.

Ah, the good ole interwebs. The only place on earth where you can have a perfectly rational, well reasoned discussion with a guy named Nards and no one bats an eye.

Tom isn't joking, OTP. Tom isn't joking. Jeff Dunham's new show is airing promos on Comedy Central as I type this.

I'd guess Kate had a c-section. At least the second time around. Also, you know that Jon hadn't gotten any from her since that 2nd round of kids so she's probably ripe for the picking.