Hip Hopster

I've had a pot belly for years now. Way, way, way before it was fashionable.

1 commenter found DavidLopanLovesOpium's comment useful.

What? Why stop retelling stories??? Remember a little movie called Titanic??? We all knew what would happen there. JFK? How about Flight 93? Malcom X? Anything by Shakespeare???

Anne Frank movie not going well? Are you shitting me??? 8 Oscars at least.

Or, more importantly, bare chest Cantessa. That is the food porn I'm looking for. The porn industry thought the next stage was bukkake, but a couple naked chicks with a good juicy philly cheesesteak is what america needs.

Jonah Hill swallowed his tongue.

Cid, what was difficult? The part where you hit "import" or the one where you hit "update"?

There's not an app for that.

Y'all sure are a fun grouper guys.

Thanks, hoodwink.

Every single episode of DD&D leaves me ravenously hungry. I've even contemplated going on a diner road trip thanks to that show.

The CNN article that is. God damn that is a shitty new organization.

God Damn It!
I've been avoiding this fuckin' article for days.

I always thought that she just looked odd. There was no color distinction between skin/nip.

Kevin Bacon in Invisible Man (or whatever it was called)!!!

Just give me one second while I whip this out…

Not if you want to see the salad dressing!!!

That's Hedley!!!


Kathy Griffin had a couple of amusing things and they were only partially concealed.