Hip Hopster

Untrue, Arsenio!

In a non-avc league I needed 25 points from Moss and Brady to get a win. I wound up with 12.

Could've wound up as a real RBBC situation if Raffi stuck around.

I prefer corduroy pants.

He has been lovable and hilarious. His dick punches and drink thievery have been great every time.

Huge =/= Pretty

That shit NEVER works!

The Cheese Stands Alone will once again emerge victorious and claim a 2-1 record after I was fork stabbed by that mohawked bastard, Vernon Davis!

Weekly Start/Sit/Trade Advice
In one of my (non-AVC) leagues I've got Michael Turner. After he went down last week, I promptly put in a claim for Snelling and found out I won him on Thursday. Minutes later I got a trade request… Snelling for Ahmad Bradshaw. My team is pretty deep at RB so I'm not looking for very

@ The Bob The - THAT is where I know him from! THANK YOU!

A plate of your finest jelly beans, sir!

I will continue my domination of league 1 this week when I show The Situations and Coach Holland Oates that his qbs are grenades waiting to blow up in his face!

Chris Johnson will be showing up sooner or later if the previews are any indication.

Ahem. Cheese Stands Alone will stand alone atop the leader board while all of you commoners beg for mercy.

For all you Android users out there, the Skyfire browser supports flash video. I've been watching every World Cup game free for the last 2 weeks with Skyfire browser + futbol.univision.com

Maybe no. 7 is the other shoulder…

I wish all Facebook comments were actually on peoples faces.
That'd teach em to bitch about politics all day and let every one of their 500 friends know that it's bedtime.

Beige Alert,

Word to Deltron 3030.

Value Added Retailer?