Hip Hopster

I'll be baaaaack
I guess none of the terminators were ridiculous.

40 Year Old Virgin
She plays a creepy old horny lady really, really well.

Ehhh, middle school hardly counts. No one is cool in middle school.

-best description I've ever heard of a lady

I'll be there if Army has a half day.

True. It really isn't clear yet. There's more than one way to cook a book.

Just kiddin'

I'd say it's the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I think we need a break, Mr. Caruso. You know, to evaluate what our goals really are here.

Uhhh, spoiler alert.

Well, I didn't quite catch all of it but I'll give it a shot.

Natty, that's 16 episodes.

I can't decide if a Friday without buzzkills is a bigger buzzkill than a Friday with them.

She got EP? Good for her.

They all sing a song at the end which had me believing it's a musical for the longest time. But, from my understanding it's just a regular ass movie.

You get to go into work hung over, and feeling like shit cause it's Monday. Then you read the buzzkills so that your cup of sadness runneth over.

*pulls Scooby Doo bandaid out of pocket*


OTP, can you imagine if he has a vat of coins to swim in though? That shit would be nearly impossible and if he could pull it off, more power to him. I mean, shit, swimming in a vat of coins would be awesome.

It'll only be 5 million after taxes.