Hip Hopster

You pussies need to man up. Get good and drunk all weekend and then read the buzzkills on Monday morning.

A grown ass man can wear any god damn hat he chooses. Nothin' wrong with that. Not never. That is one perk of being a grown ass man.

Every dude I've ever met that wears a fedora has been a giant tool. The same goes for those golfer hats.

Can't get back on if you never got off

*does I Dream Of Genie nose wiggle*

I'm a fan of over and out.

Cross your fingers for Lord of the Flies.

I recently went to Best Buy to get Rock Band 1 for PS3. All they had was RB2 so I asked they guy if they had it. He told me that they never made the RB1 for PS3.

Put 'em away then, Fritzy! You air 'em out there for all of creation to see, but god forbid we look!

Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris - Those chirps are for the blind people. Maybe you need some sensitivity training.

"Over here, Nitro. Just take a knee on the casting mat."

Release your kagel!!!

*shoots tennis balls from highly pressurized tennis ball machine gun at everyone*

Sometimes there's a man…

You might actually knock her out if you aren't playing with your strap on.

I'd always gotten the impression that was something you would like.

Me too. : (

Jenny McCarthy was the host of a popular MTV show in the 90's called Singled Out where the main contestant would choose a fuck buddy for the night as the entire studio audience filed past him/her. She did the rock 'n roll hand signs alot, screamed YEEEAAAHHHH!!!, stuck her tongue out and had big ol' titties. Since

Three paragraphs ripping apart The Concept of Susan Boyle and Susan Boyle herself was just what the world needed.

I'd let him borrow my lawn mower.