Hip Hopster

Buzzkills and Query are both great to see again.

Snape, that made me cringe.

How often are you people seeing movies on planes??? I see a lot of people talk about seeing movies on planes here and it's odd to me. I've only seen movies on the 2 international flights I've been on. Never on a domestic flight. What airlines are you guys flying, cause I gotta get me some of that.

Really?!? Sure sounds like BJ.

Speaking of songs that make you fly into rage, expounding your hatred to the nearest soul unfortunate enough to be forced to listen to you:

Toaster, you look like a shitty toaster. I got my sister a toaster last year for Christmas that toasts, warms breakfast meat and can poach/hard boil eggs all at the same time!

Music festivals are fun.

That wouldn't have helped my argument.

Ok, I just re-checked using the SEE ALL feature to get the actual numbered list, not what they pick and put on the front page. The top 5 is as follows (with a short summation of NetFlix description):

You don't like the scene where Luda complains about white people being scared of black people and then carjacks one?!?!?

Here are the top rentals for Atlanta:

How's this?:

Isn't everyone here anonymous?

DCRJ, maybe that wasn't the best analogy but I still think the argument is valid.
I see your point that you can get the same effect but they do not produce the same experience.
You have to learn how to play chess before you can enjoy it. And play it alot before you can truly understand and the love the game. (sidenote:

Do you pay for the beer? Is it all samples? I see a ticket was metioned up there. Do you win beer tickets from skee-ball?

I like to compare getting used to coffee and beer with a girl's first intimate encounters. Yeah, for the first while it won't be the greatest thing ever. It won't seem right or pleasurable and it might even be a little painful. You'll probably get finish and say, "What was the big deal with that?". But you must stick

I, too, knew a girl with little teeth and big gums and she was a bitch and kind of a whore. That would have been a plus but she was my best friends girlfriend.

My favorite is:

Dougery, how's business?

Chasee, not only must you stick with Buzzkills but I would encourage you to go back and read some past ones. I was going to post a link to a good one, but they are all fantastic.