Hip Hopster

If it was an outdoor adventure with tents and s'mores and shit you could call in "camping".

I'm gonna hop on the F&F love here too. Everyone knows that the acting and the plot were terrible. There really wasn't much substance-wise. But, damn if it isn't a helluva bunch of fun watching fast cars do cool things. This was a street racing movie for the next generation and it brought an underground subculture

The Grand National really was a hell of a car and a Buick to boot!

Well played, Beast of Rabin.

Damnit, Wes. I thought you had a good, trashy, titty, schtick going there and I was all for it.

GA is at between 4 and 5 now with the increase. Can't smoke inside most places though.

When I was a kid, I would steal my realatives cigarettes…AND SMOKE THEM!

Yeah, I really enjoyed that she was pretty much a terrible person in Weeds. Stealing kids, being chased by her eskimo ex and being generally annoying as fuck to the entire cast made her a welcome character to me.

I have a crawl space! So when you ask if my prisoners are in the basement I can say no.

She was MPDGish in Weeds though.

Mine would read:


Fritzy, that is how these things work. You can yank 'em out all you want but every time they will grow back. That is the way of life.

No, she is forced to choose to dance for God (ballet) or for the Devil (stripping). You see with ballet she is able to honor God but will still die of cancer. The stripping is a sin though, but she'll make enough money to pay for her treatment (or she'll get treatment via her excellent healthcare benefits at Shakers)

Yup, she's great.

I think it is appropriate for kids to wax or shave a kids brow whenever it is getting out of hand. If she is shaving her legs she could definately take care of the brow situation just as easily. Being made fun of or the strong possibility of being made fun of is a good indicator.

Johnny buys an ounce of dank for $250. He can sell eighths for $45 and quarters for $80. He sells 3 eighths, 2 quarters and smokes a gram and a half.

Is eating the same 6 dollar plate of Chinese food every day and trying to sneak MILF upskirts with my camera phone considered misanthropic?

Raven did turn into a chub-o.

The mall food court is the perfect place to see why you hate the entirety of humanity. It is also a great place to see hot moms eating lunch during the week.