Hip Hopster

Way to go, Chasee! Be proud of firsting your very own thread. Now if you can just convince Amelie to do this for TV club you could be a star every week!

I was kinda waiting for him to get called out on those breakfasts. They really were obvious and desparate.

But, on the plus side: free breakfast.

Wow. There are so many that are great front to back that haven't been mentioned yet.

The other character is a giant white woman and EVERYONE loves white women!!!

Look whatcha did, ya little jerks!!!

H-E-double hockey sticks!

You should change your name to Eeyore.


You fuckers have windows?!? I sit at a desk in the middle of the fifth floor. The big shots have the offices with windows and almost every one of 'em keeps the blinds closed. My world is shades of gray and taupe.

No one will flame you for listening to Red Headed Stranger. That album is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Simply awesome.

Mr. Belvedere, you had you're own article a month or so back! And, as long as they are releasing the DVD's your name will be prominent in the actual articles!


Kidz Bop should be out later this year. If they only knew that Brick is about and abortion.

I was at a wedding this weekend and they played "The Luckiest". Wouldn't be my choice for favorite Ben Folds Song but, you know, it's wedding appropriate. I'm more of a "Not the Same" and "Fred Jones Part 2" guy myself.

You get a red snappah!!! You so stupid!!!

Welcome back, Query! You're great!

Ahhh, but thanks to Enron and the Sarbanes-Oxley act, squeaky clean audits allow me to keep my job.

Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind is the Internet Farting Sensation. From what I've seen lately though he seems to have gotten over that habbit. Which is a shame cause pretty much every time I chuckled.

I'm going to have to second the Evan Williams love. It ain't great (or even good) but it'll do in a pinch and, hey, you didn't just spend $30 on a bottle of liqour.