Hip Hopster

I thought the K stood for knees. I guess I need to update my webbernet lingo database.

I can't play guitar, but I do play rock band guitar on expert and shred the fuck out of it.

Either way, sounds hilarious. I am impressed, since at one point it was fresh off of the dome piece only to be fleshed out and improved.

OTP: I feel like I've already heard that song and I'm sure it doesn't exist. I'd be very impressed to learn that you came up with that right off the top of your dome piece. Bravo.

Twif: You may be the only pure soul left on the planet.

At least that one is getting a bite to eat…

Ahhh, but no one laughed at The Ringer. The movie about the special olypics billed as a "comedy".

You know, god has been watching in disgust as we go about our immoral lives and do horrible, horrible things every day. He even sent us WWJD bracelets and some big book to remind us he's watching.

Hmmm…I just put it on my queue and it says the availability is NOW.

I just hope they keep up with the title alliteration.

They can use their wings, not their peckers.

Eh Me, thank you for capitalizing These Economic Times. In This Post 9/11 World we need to title the happenings of the world more than ever.

I tried it with a pixie stick in 7th grade. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to my nose.

I wonder how long it took someone to snort that stuff and explore the outer reaches of nostril pain.

I would recommend using a 2x4 instead. A 4x4 would be pretty cumbersome to get a good grip on and swing. Also you would need some enormous nails to drive all the way through. A 2x4 would be much easier, especially for the lady AV Clubbers, what with their tiny hands and weak arms.

I like my sex like I like my chocolate: Hot and with some fruit

"Let he who is without sin throw the first empty vodka bottle."

I always judge a game by the demo. A demo gives you a good idea of the gameplay you can expect, while leaving you wanting more (or none at all) from the full version.

I'd say epic wacking is almost definate.

Yes, in this post 9/11 world it is difficult to manage of feat such as that.