Hip Hopster

My apologies Wade.


Mongolian!?! I'm going straight to Panda Express after work. It will be awesome.

I'm pretty sure it's a 2. As in 2 legit 2 quit.

None of those people were a hometown hero to me.

Me too.

Yes. Yes. Yes. In Atlanta they have these all the time and they are very popular. "Urban" entertainment is a booming industry.

Talk to the hand?

Madea loses her pension and goes to a foreclosure hearing.

Damn, that is pretty harsh punishment for a simple drinking contest.

Mikey, I actually haven't had cable for close to a year now. I've got a PS3 that keeps me pretty busy and I've been catching up on years of missed tv/movies via Netflix. I haven't been all that impressed with the selection of streaming content though. I'm also a little leary about the picture quality on a Roku. Is it

Not really following this, are ya Wade?

O.J. Simpson could play football too. He's still a sumumabitch.

Cable companies are run by Satan. There is only one in my city as well and I will be getting satelite as soon as possible (see: get off my lazy ass).

As an ex-Wisconsinite and life long Packers fan I would like to say that Brett Favre can swallow two entire bottles of Advil and then die in a fire. I was hoping beyond all hope this last season that someone would break his legs.

I've heard stories of adult Americans who were living this "American dream" but really haven't gotten to see much of it. And those who I did see have gotten smacked by the fat dick of reality over the last few years.


Party with the drum line. Just don't fall asleep first in their cabin.

Tom Hanks was the only one who could keep her from her nasty botox habit.

Trap an elk?!? In Finland?!?