Hip Hopster

Carla Johnson is…Shopping for shoes w/ the girlz!!!


I always enjoy the brutal insults to the failed/failing comedians. It's good to know someone is telling them to their faces.

AJR, Low Country Boil like a mo'fucka!!!

About this whole internet vs. gratuitous boobs in shitty movie debate:
I enjoy dumb comedies with some boobage. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for getting eye raped by gaping assholes, donkey dicks, and all the strange in between.

I had a female roommate for a while who enjoyed planning these things so we had a couple of well thought out parties in my humble college home.

Nope. The town was named…er…Cumming.

Hmmm…comparing BLACK Sabbath with Barack Obama…RACIST!!!

What about Amber? I knew a girl who hated the word moist with a passion and her name was Amber.

I'm pretty sure they didn't take it anywhere because it was barely drivable. The alignment was a screwy and you had to crank the steering wheel to one side just to keep it going straight. They probably did her a favor.

Nope. This makes 3.

The Onion is $50 a year for print. Did it once, never again.

No, Harbinger, they must keep the same necklace for the duration of shooting. Luckily, it probably only lasts a week or two.

With joy???

The size of this Bruce Campbell thread is over rated.

The size of this Bruce Campbell thread is over rated.

Someone once broke into my car to steal a very, very valuable iron. Didn't even get it either. Just tore the box up when he/she tried to pull it out of the window.
Cost of iron - maybe $10
Cost of window - $130

So, I can't read it in the dark? I need to have a lamp or a flashlight if its past my bedtime?

My vote is when they started the Real World vs. Road Rules shows. Thats when things went from mildly entertaining and believable to flat out shock value, begging for ratings, crap.

No, no. they get pearl necklaces at the begining of the season. Kind of like a pre-requisite. And the last girl with her pearl necklace at the end of the season wins!