Hip Hopster

Ma$e, you know I'm just the same old pimp,
Ma$e, you know ain't nothing changed but my limp.

The first (only?) 2 seasons of Land of the Lost and a season of Tales from the Crypt were given to me as gifts.

Huh. All these distribution rights are going to force me to "borrow" the episodes that a "friend" might magically have on his computer.

I'm still waiting for Perfect Strangers and Wonder Years.

Hey Sanka! You dead?

Shakespeare, smakespeare.

Couple days late to the party.

Well played, Koski
Well played.

Word, B



Those damn cops, arresting people holding public expos that have outstanding warrants.

Those damn cops, arresting people holding public expos that have outstanding warrants.

Christ, Snape. That made me feel bad for having my frozen pizza and plastic bottle of whiskey. Buzz….killed.

Christ, Snape. That made me feel bad for having my frozen pizza and plastic bottle of whiskey. Buzz….killed.

"ruthless sexual exploitation of women, most often under-age girls through violence, intimidation, drug addiction and utter financial dependence"

Word. Trust me, kick him out if he ain't looking for a job. He'll spend your money faster than you do.

Mobobo, you're a prick. The least you could do is spell Patron right.

In heaven they serve beer. Cracker Barrel does not. They do make a mean sweet tea however.

Cracker Barrel has chicken fried steak aaaaaaand breakfast all day. So, you tell me.