I hope your hair turns into dog shit one day. You wake up and you run your comb through it and all that it is, is little trundles of dog shit.
I hope your hair turns into dog shit one day. You wake up and you run your comb through it and all that it is, is little trundles of dog shit.
I just watched it last night, how could you not love the scene where the riot breaks out, I couldn't breathe, that was so goddamn funny.
Think I'm gonna go see him
At the Metro in a few weeks (I get free tickets on accounta my job) I've never seen the Black Keys and I like this okay. In related news does anybody want Godfathers tickets for Valentines day? I don't really wanna go, they just showed up in the mail.
Oh please, I tried like a mother fucker to state my opinion without offending and I still come up with a class-A hole like you throwing the HDB word around like it's still relevant to anything.
I wasn't that big on it, I preferred the way Science of Sleep dealt with attraction, and I was having a similar experience with someone I made art with at the time. I like visuals in both, but I found Science more relatable, and I understand why that's not the case with most people.
I love it, I get choked up during "There's a place for us" every time, and all the clothes are super cool.
Eh, it's all been unrequited. It's no fun, but heartbreak has served as a pretty good diet for me, both times I lost a lot of weight. Can love exist if the other person doesn't love you? I'm pretty damn sure it can.
You're mixing up Duff and Cyrus, perfectly understandable, especially because you used the word "mates".
And the Ramainz, these days they'd be two drummers and a replacement bass player.
It's not only about his rhymes, you need that voice.
Eazy's dead though.
Also Pavement, I never saw them in live, I'm 21.
Yeah he did, with Doyle, still I want crimson skulls, devil locks, and as lame as he is, I want Jerry Only.
Still Alive!?
That's no fun, you should do one about piecing together your own personal supergroups.
She got too skinny and her hair is bad in that photo, but yeah, she is still very much Jennifer Connelly.
Can we make a movie out of the little drawings in the D.A.R.E. activity book?
As have I, I was tired of looking at my ugly mug, even though it was in a nicely pieced together suit.
Not a fan
Mostly because of Jonathan Rhys Myer, what an awful actor, Bale should've had his part, that and the whole reporter/mystery angle really fell flat for me, I had zero interest in that element of the story or seeing washed up versions of fake famous people.
Superstar is indeed Haynes' finest work, that thing was brilliant. Goldmine I can do without, though I did appreciate the callback to Superstar where the kids play with the Brian Slade and Curt Wild dolls.