Nick Nonchalant

Outside of the finale I love Lost's final season. There was some pretty fearless genre experimentation going on in there. So I'm cool with the Kanye comparison.

Yeah, there's even the baseball connection since he used to cook for the Mets.

They really do play up the socialite/tabloid fodder thing in Batman Begins. I think Bale's Portrayal in The Dark Knight is considerably closer to Kevin Conroy's Bruce Wayne, in that the character grew into a known rich asshole with his heart and wallet in the right place. Now that I think about it, Nolan-verse Bruce

Anyone else catch that "Silver Dude" was a Mighty Boosh crimp homage?

25 and proudly gettin' paid to watch TV

Anyone ever read the comic Concrete by Paul Chadwick? It's one of those comics that reads like a novel. The main character is like a cross between The Thing and Tintin, and a lot of the story arcs tackled important social issues. It'd make a great TV show.

I too, am all about "Within". Perhaps you've all forgotten what it's like to be a sad robot.


Ever see a sandwich that could take a bite outta you?

"Mothersbaugh" is missing an S.

You mean white straight male plebes? I think it's okay to joke about anything but FG has little to no subversion when it comes to this stuff, they just trot out old stereotypes for laughs. If you had any idea what it was like to have the same tired lazy jokes made at your expense all your life, you would regularly be

I watched Point Break on 4/20. I love how McGinley's character is completely right to berate Keanu the way he does. Johnny Utah falls in love with an accessory, gets his partner killed, makes friends with the suspect, then lets him get away. When he tosses his badge in the drink at the end of the movie, it's a wonder

lol wrong movie poster lol love this movie lol

I turned 25 yesterday.

I turned 25 yesterday.

They shoulda done "Manimal".

They shoulda done "Manimal".

I was pretty shook up when Brubeck told the story of his father showing him his black friends branded chest and telling him "this can't happen".

I was pretty shook up when Brubeck told the story of his father showing him his black friends branded chest and telling him "this can't happen".

I miss chillwave