Wile E. Quixote

Teh, I'd tivo that.

Your scary, scary weird fakey nipples.

How do you tell which hole is his butt, TTM?

TT, is that a possessive aphostrophe, or a conjunction?

Not unless his ears touch behind his head and he can jumprope with his tits.

Aw Shucks Debbie Does Con-sarned Dallas? Horsefeathers!

I think that was before they were sublime before they were no longer sublime, W8s.

AOP, what I got out of that is yer mom-in-law gave you undies. That's kinda creepy on its own.

Are they real tears, or are they Ollie North-endorsed Maybelline Brand Eye Glisten?

Sorry, I guess that should be

A Goddamned Nightmare Right the Fuck Before Christing Christmas fer Chrissakes

tort reform? Is that like pie rehabilitation?

I have a talking shuttlecock. That's kinda like a talking shuttlecraft.

Well, I laughed. Guiltily.


The potassium-based content provided contains approximately the value of five-eights of its spherical, alternatively-hued counterpart, but in the economic model approximately one-quarter the value of said counterpart.

Yeah, but "Fridge" is (was?) big all over, not just fat.

Dr S, he thrust his hand too heartily into the bucket of fried peanut butter sammiches.

Heard an interview of Idle on the radio a few years ago when Spamalot came through town. He said that what caused a falling-out between him and Cleese was when he described Cleese as being "anal". Idle's defense for calling Cleese anal was,"Well, he IS."

Um… RG… ftw? I guess?