Wile E. Quixote

Scotch tape, duh.

Marrying the Peggy Timberlake has upended the teapot.

Ummm… the Care Bears Movie?

Joe Frances the host for a parasitic post?

I'm with you on your second point, UR, but when it comes to horror flix I usually seem to wind up flanked by the "shouting advice at the screen" idiot and the "narrating for their even stupider friend" idiot (didjaseethat he like shot that thingy that's not a gun it's like a blowgun but he like hit that guy in the

The sketch was enjoyable regardless of JM's participation. At least he didn't say anything, just sorta clomped around looking like a mysteriously dextrous sleep-deprived Frankenstein's monster.

Funny, my eyes are yawning. This is the guy who is so bland that he and Jennifer "beige wallpaper" Aniston couldn't stay together- like magnets of the same charge.

I think it just means blackface, JR.

Hey, Dumbledore, don't look now, but I think there's some kids on your lawn.

Oh sweet Jebus I forgot about Scarecrow! Hanx, DP! Do they still show flix on their roof in the summertime? Not that it's summertime anymore, but, you know, it may eventually be again.

I can't figure out why he would have had to cut so far up someone's face in order to attach it to someone else's ass. It doesn't look like the jaw is hyperextended or anything. Is this something I missed because I have no sound on this computer?

NNNnnnot misogynists necessarily so much as, like, sartorial technocrats: okay with concepts but essentially unaware of the real physical & societal world.

Oh we have GOT to get a T-shirt with a sunglasses-wearing grasshopper on it! Tres latfh!

there used to (as recently as 6 years ago) be a great one in Moscow, Idaho. That's only 308 miles away from where I am now.

I dunno, but for a minute there I could have sworn I was drunk at work.

Didn't he vigorously dry-hump The Rock in one of those sketches, or did I dream that? Either way, the expression on The Rock's face made the sketch almost mildly bearable.

"Clever but shallow:" I think that's gonna be my new personal tagline.

Okay, Barry, the fight is on. I see your Superman and raise you

DCRJ, you could put just *part* of the guy in there, or possibly some sort of 3-dimensional simulation of that part…

It was Brenda who didn't like Mondays. When it comes to the Rats: