Wile E. Quixote

David Foster Wallace for me, King.

No shit, CW. Middle-eastern guy in a flowing dress & sandals in December? Call the SWAT team AND the guys with the butterfly nets!

@MPBC: Sorry, that was me.

May I second WOPR?

I meant "GS." JEEBUS. So Happy It's Thursday!

Steve Dave, GW circa 1997=hawt.

@Waits: Only after being lured up there by a creepy-eyed moppet in a negligee.

@KCLMB: Bullshit. Try singing it out loud. With FEELING!

Whoops, just reread that. Didn't mean to sound so shitheaded. I'm sure your mum's a perfectly pleasant person, IM.

Well you're mom's a deluded bitch, IM; my folks have been getting milk delivered from Smith's for 30 years.

@PE: Because Bingo Mom isn't even bothering to pretend she's doing something for the kid's benefit. Honesty ftw.

Tuna salad, darling. Tuna.

I knew a Navy boy who had filthy lyrics to pretty much any song you can think of, including VP's In the Navy, ie

I was informed that Jen "beige wallpaper" Aniston's high-beams were the most compelling reason for watching Friends. Makes sense.

One vote for the jelly kid, 'cause that's the bloodiest-looking jelly I've ever seen.

But not before they get their ice cream!

Or one that says, "Hi, my Dick is Poopy" to leave the clueless neophytes clueless (No offense, Clueless Neophyte).

@TTM: mayo on fries is okay if you're German. And I mean actually, truly born n raised in Germany, not US serviceperson or family member thereof, not little American idiot who visited at 17 and who is the same little idiot who took 6 months to "lose" their accent from the 2 weeks they spent in England. Native

*corrupt dammit.

Are we talking English or black walnuts here? 'cause English are scrum-diddly-umptious, while black walnuts will corrups every crumb of a pan of brownies with their turpentine bouquet.