Wile E. Quixote

Hey now, CBM, my brother worked on that project at Boeing. And, um, yeah, you are essentially correct. My indignancy chip has short-circuited.
That is all.

Didn't Prudhomme get un-fat?

Is "clearing brush" some obscure sexual activity about which I have not previously heard? Do elucidate!

Don't forget becoming lodged in a White House bathtub!

More clairvoyant? Like as in clairvoyance piled upon preexisting clairvoyance? I gotta get me some of that.

Yeesh, wsvon, thanks for the involuntary full-body shudder.

@GWHCMT: Those slack-jawed masses of 'Lisbethan times.

The general rule is that you should always experience the interpretation first; that way, you don't spend the whole time foaming and raving that this movie/book is not the way the book/movie was.

A successful Southern Sneak would qualify one to backdoor brag.

JVS, you gotta end that by doing that weird mis-clap & falling back into your chair.

Right on one count, wrong on another, Guy.

2 words: Public. Library.

Attention GLM: Breathe. Seriously, dude.

It is, senor P???? I must reevaluate several key conversations in my life…

Dragonheart. And the theatre was so full of children that only one of the two of us got to sit. And it was not me.

JVS, if you've ever seen the SNL where he lunges at Andy Kaufman, you'll realize he lost his shit a looooong time ago.

Heche, the damn tail got in the way. Plus, no buttcheeks=no proper wedgadge. Then, while I was in my lab creating cunningly designed buttock implants to take those wedgie-immune canines down a notch…

They wouldn't expect the snowflakes to be ninja stars disguised as snowflakes! Bwa ha ha! Dance number!

Hold up- are we talking about John McCain now??