Wile E. Quixote

Only if you buy it for the dog of your kissin' cousin. HOTCHa cha cha!

Is an haikuik first line
In and of itself.

The dog or the Snuggie, Waits?

I wonder who picked up that golden retriever and placed it in its Snuggie. That sucker must have a strong back.

He could claim it was one of the few Hypercolor shirts remaining in captivity.

Please, Cork, Mr. S would have made a thousand fold-n-snip snowflakes.

Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Why the long face?" Horse says, "I'm concerned about the anthropomorphic nature of my existence."

ah-HA the truth comes out! It's all about the banana-skins…

This thread has turned into weak dribbly shit.

Who wants to remember high school at all? Sure, it wasn't quite so sucky as junior high, but I forget where I was going with this. Almost quitting time…

Oh, Sheltie, you think that about everyone.

Which brings up a point, Detritus: Did she sign a contract, or what? Are we to believe this was an oral agreement?

Pecota, with some creative genuflection you sure as hell can.

Jeez, guys, get a room.

Phod, I'm assuming she went to a shitty school. Topnotch test scores in Advanced Babymamaing don't amount to much.

Waits, I would assume that a clone that existed to provide spare parts to me would also be providing spare parts to people who are not me, and I'm not sure I could develop an emotional attachment for the spare parts version of the town bicycle.

@YSOWetc: It was really more a constantly-evolving circle-jerk.

>>It seemed logical that you would develop an emotional attachment to your clone.

::resisting the urge to google "yiffing" resisting the urge to google "yiffing"::