Wile E. Quixote

@Bucky: Good one!

Is she wearing the eyepatch after the sadist popped her eye out & snipped her optic nerve with a scissors, causing an inexplicable flow of milky fluid to run down her face?

I'd rather fuck a burrito than a tiny dog.

TRUHGN, replace "rabid hatrid of" with "tendency to reflexively hold our noses around" and I'm in.

Oh now that's a relief, GH.

Another interpretation is that Michael Myers represents this dude who, like, killed his sister and now, like, has escaped the looney bin and, like oh nevermind.

Wait, are we hipsters in here? Shit, now I gotta loathe myself.

Call it that. Totally. You know you wanna.

@Willard: Yes. Yes, you are.

SI Swimsuit Issue is the mag most stolen from public libraries.
In nonfiction, the occult books tend to be surreptitiously liberated by jebus freaks who think they get to decide what other people get to read.

Hillbilly, I am laughing way harder now than I should probably be admitting. Kudos on the juxtapositing of free-association & fappage.

It's pretty hard to administer retroactive contraception; these poor kids are already goners.

@Jim— pretty sure a comment like that from an unregistered user is a troll, but yes, you are right.

Careful, sugartits, you don't want your makeup to run.

midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget. God, why would someone want to ban such a cute word??

I intend to simply wait until mine are a decent size, then dunk 'em in some of that dippable gold crap you can get for jewelry.

Best idea is multiple naked pictures in easily-distributable digital format right before a hideous breakup.

Not to mention that the "beautiful" part of physical appearance is directly related to how many times you can shoot yourself in the face with the make-up shotgun set to "whore."

I blame Anders Hove, then.

I heard TWfS fell down a well, but it 'pears I heard wrong.