Wile E. Quixote

I hear Bauhaus being drowned out by Misfits. Weird.

Sing it, Sister.

Jesus, Choker, next you're gonna spout some nonsense about defending to the death someone's right to say bla bla bla.

I'm not sure, but if the past 8 or so years of administration have shown, it's possible the government might kill you for reading the bill of rights.

Oh thanks a bunch for the obtuse Milli Vanilli reference, OTP. Now not only do I have that fucking song in my head, but an image of myself dancing to it in middle school.

Yeah, like a leotard's sock.

Isn't most masturbation manual? (hey! alliteration!)

"That's Phineas Taylor SIR to you!"

Probably the marketing/advertising industry in general, F-P, but I'm gonna go ahead and blame Rachel Zoe, just for the hell of it. Bitch.

Bascule, it makes you look teeny-tiny; like you're standing in front of a postage stamp.

I think we can technically blame tweens for Hannah Montana, and possibly the littlest jonah bro.

GH, that is a FABULOUS idea.

*Zieg. Sorry. Transposed the i and the e.

@Zeig: _A_ juvenile. As in only one. C'mon, I got some scruples.

@JVS: a bone that can be handled by children? Icky!

@Pete: Hookers & pot. Oh, wait…

Isn't "insane Busey" redundant?

In the library, with the wrench.

Huh huh "nailing it" huh huh.

does Twitter count spaces? 'cause I count 148 characters in Tom's magnum opus.