Wile E. Quixote

My dad goes to buffets specifically to people-watch (well, and eat, obviously). He'll shamelessly ogle all the sweaty heaps of enormousness shoveling in food like they're desperate, like it's both first food they have ever eaten and the last they ever will, while keeping up a running commentary.
I remind him that when

@Duff: Potatoes are only peripherally involved; most fast food fries are kinda like Pringles made of Pringles made of cardboard.

To be fair, I more or less assumed Saddleback meant this less as it applied to the topic at hand, and more as a generalized comment on the state of the cosmos.

I'm not too good for fast food, I'm too lazy for it.

Well duh.

Nabin, you do realize that a photo submission rule as applies to a personal (see savage love) could be applied in this situation as well, right?

And luscious, luscious lips!
That is all.

Isn't Akira already a movie? Oh wait-do you mean live action?
Pardon me while I wander away in my slippers and bathrobe and a permanent state of confusion.


@Rev: 9.75

@Shredder: Now I don't feel so bad about only being 60 pages behind.
Ditto to unregistered: Way to assume someone reeding a big buk wif no pick-shures is an insufferable snot.

Shredder, are you Infinite Summer-ing?

@Lemur- I don't know why I'm chortling so heartily at the idea of purchasing a digital reader & a digital book to go on it, and then making a hard copy anyway.

But I REALLY love how the mouthpiece just oh so slickly lays the blame at the established cast's feet; ie salary "demands" and "the show must go on" as a particularly stinging justification for scabbing.

::smacks lips:: Tastes of trolling.

That's not an argument; it's just contradiction!

@ fidel, I hug n kees you for acknowledging da Fat.

@Fidel: You live in Canada. We just assume you're wearing a sweater.

Wow, now I'm even more confused than usual. I thought "staycation" means staying inside, preferably with the lights out and the blinds drawn, doing whatever it is that people do in those circumstances. Tom, if you've left the house, I think you're taking like a towncation, or localparkcation or some such.

Place has a point, Mervin. How many condoms can you swallow?