Gah, I just remembered I've had Walk Hard checked out from the library for like 2 weeks and still need to watch it.
Gah, I just remembered I've had Walk Hard checked out from the library for like 2 weeks and still need to watch it.
@Lemur: Like when? Like when they want to claim a larger percentage of the world's population, for some reason? When they're figuring their non-profit agency tax deductions? On days when they're pretending to admire the Kennedys?
It was the goddamned crappy-ass Welsh rivets that busted on the Titanic.
Corned beef. Corned, not corn.
Send no flowers.
'Morning, Sergeant Angle!
Rev, I hug n kees you for the tiny link. Well, actually for the ad for noisebot that accompanied it.
Crap, now I'm all confused. Are we NOT talking "Deliverance"?
I like to take genuine to the maximum by never bathing or changing my clothes. How very attractive!
Is this a variation on the thing where you trick some dude into kissing his own mom by parading cheerleaders in front of him before applying the blindfold?
Wu, have you seen a neurologist lately? I think you may be having some nerve issues; either that or I'm having double vision.
And don't even get me started on all the things you can do with an entire gross of raw eggs.
@4: Why else would the walk-in have a lock on the inside?
Daytime patrons coming in at night are confused and frightened by the different menu, and seem to have some sort of bizarre expectations regarding something they refer to as "service".
Sweet Ballroom Blintzes
I live in Seattle and I don't think I've ever seen a Waffle House in my life- not even in S. Carolina.
Is your superhero name "Obviousman"?
4, I tip my hat to thee, sir! (ma'am? whatevs)
Column D- Reaction sub a)irritation, b)penetration, c) litigation
Back in those days, we called nickels bumblebees! "Gimme five bees for a quarter", we'd say.