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    Andrew's Wyeth's "Pink Boy on Tarmac."

    I've donated to the Kickstarter and I'm curious as hell to see how this all turns out, but Joel honestly came across as a little desperate to me on the last update. He seems more interested in getting picked up by a network and having the series last a gazillion seasons than in if the new show is actually any good.

    Do you have a small, whiny warehouse for me?

    All the sketches during Eegah! are pure gold. Easily as good as the movie itself.

    Holy crap, was Leslie Mann's character awful in that. There were a few scenes where she bought the whole movie to a screeching halt that made you want to stare awkwardly at your shoes. Apatow really needs to figure out that we aren't going to take one look at her and just fall in love.

    He was great in Steve Jobs. I wanted to see a film focused on Wozniak after that.

    I'm pretty sure the hip-hop dance climax is going to be better in this movie.

    So do they say their goodbyes? Is love in their eyes?

    It's almost impossible to believe that she used to be Hannah Montana. She's sort of evolved into another life form at this point. Like the end of 2001 but with shitty music.

    Wilco should have covered this as a hidden track on their last album.

    "Wow, Reagan just got elected. Let's celebrate by going to see Heaven's Gate!"

    I thought it was fine, too. It definitely felt more like a traditional Bond film then some of the more recent ones, but it was still its own beast that kept the rebooted changes in mind. Definitely as good as Skyfall.

    I kept waiting for the delicatessen of stainless steel. What a gyp.

    When Bond was going into White's house in Austria, he was startled by some birdssuddenlyflyingout!!!!

    So they cast a leading man whose name sounds like he should be a teen idol in Bedrock? Whatever, movie…

    The mail sex that Franklin Roosevelt and Lucy Mercer would have with each other? That was some gnarly shit.

    Hey, that reimagining of Teenage Strangler isn't going to make itself. I wonder who'll play Mikey.

    I've seen him speak live. Twice.

    "Take Me Home" is a monster. I could listen to it over and over again.

    I watched Buster for the first time a few years back and he really is solid in it. If things had turned out differently, he could have had a nice little sideline as a character actor.