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    Well, it's official. The apocalypse is coming. It's been a nice run, humanity…

    It happens. Not thinking that Bernie is the Messiah who'll win by fifty gazillion points because he's just that awesome is a serious offense in some corners of the Internet.

    We hear this over and over again and there's not much evidence for it yet besides wishful thinking. There's been no real bump in Democratic registrations in Iowa (which Bernie is going to desperately need if he's going to have a shot) and and the Selzer poll (the "gold standard" of Iowa polling) has Bernie down by

    The End of the Tour and Love and Mercy should both be here. 22 best films…

    Actually, polling shows that Hillary's supporters are more solid in their support of her than likewise for Bernie. Noise on the Internet isn't always reality. If it were, the most powerful man in America would be Joss Whedon.

    And this is the fantasy where all Bernie has to give is give a stirring speech and the evil Republicans will scurry away forever and then we'll have single-payer and free college. Life's not an Aaron Sorkin screenplay.

    But the only reason he has any power in the Senate is because the Democrats allow him to caucus with them. He can't afford to get on their bad side.

    If Bernie won the primary, he'd be buried by a billion dollars of Republican smears and he wouldn't have the resources to fight back. The guy would be eaten alive.

    Given how Iowa only votes in six weeks, something's going to have to change for Bernie very quickly there. It's going to take a lot more than noise on comment boards to get actual turnout in the real world. If there were really a "massive demographic shift", we'd be seeing a lot more evidence of it by now.

    Plus Space Mutiny.

    I've already donated and even bumped it up again during Turkey Day, but even Joel seems to be acknowledging that $5.5 million isn't happening. Even with the Patton news, the donations aren't exactly zooming right now; it's looking like they've maxed out the nerds like us. I can see them getting in the $4 million

    Bill looked fine to me. He was rocking a pretty nice beard, actually.

    They do seem to be pretty even-handed with that sort of stuff. There were no shortage of skinny jokes on MST3K.

    The Season One episodes are about as entertaining as watching your lawn grow. Things start to pick up some in Season Two (Ring of Terror, Untamed Youth) and by the third season they're really firing on all thrusters.

    I've donated to the Kickstarter and would be thrilled if this turns out well, but MST felt done to me after the Sci-Fi run and I haven't felt a great need to see more. Based on what I've seen so far, this feels like Paul McCartney hiring a new backing band and calling it the Beatles.

    "…from which we breathe deeply!"

    Come on! Sand really is coarse and rough!

    Bringing it back now. For all the faults of the second trilogy, it at least had an important story to tell (Anakin becoming Vader.) This new one (plus the other movies that are coming with it) is such a blatant cash cow that I'm amazed that people can talk about it with a straight face.

    At least he's not a dick about it. He's not ranting about how Obama wants to enslave us or anything.

    I'll put you in the bitch transformer!