You should bring a little LEGO man with you. Then it won't be so sad, you see.
You should bring a little LEGO man with you. Then it won't be so sad, you see.
Does the AV Club just cherry pick trailers for Coming Distractions? Because when I take a jaunt over to, I see all kinds of interesting stuff that never seems to end up here.
That first picture of Slim is exactly what I want to look like when I graduate from sleazy late-20s rapscallion to sleazy middle-aged rapscallion. If only my hair was thicker.
Does this show have any relation to the Altman film?
::Democrat Damage Control Squad swoops in and kills Close-watcher with silenced pistols::
Paula Deen is a Democrat.
I can't wait for the inevitable porn parody wherein a big-boned Paula Deen stand-in gets tag-teamed by a gaggle of Civil War-era black waiters.
Just pretend it never happened. I mean that's what she would do.
Oh I get it now…you're trying to make me feel guilty for acknowledging the reality of female beauty fading as age advances.
She made me laugh a few times during Bridesmaids. First time a woman has made me laugh since Sarah Silverman was a thing.
Anybody else find Wiig wildly attractive? I know she's almost 40 but she has a great body and her face is very charming.
Still waiting for an acceptable Blu-ray transfer of 12 Monkeys.
"Keep in mind the daughter put this crew together and was hoping for the mission to fail."
Oh. Well, I'm sure she's great. She sounds great.
What about the muppet who's a budding Islamic terrorist and really popular with the ladies?
I was wondering when they were gonna introduce a Hispanic muppet.
"The scientists taking off their helmets because the air is supposedly
breathable, without thinking twice about alien bacteria and diseases
that may exist."
Cool, I finally saw Prometheus and thought it was top-shelf. Here's a couple of points:
Yeah, I never really understood why the first Highlander is afforded so much reverence. It is a bad movie and it sparked that whole shitty music video-style of direction.